Vance & Adjacent Counties Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance

Building Spiritual Foundations

The Vance and Adjacent Counties Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance seeks to enhance the spiritual foundation of its members and the communities that they serve.

Total family Support

VACIMA seeks to minister to the family with spiritual and emotional support. We are tasked to give comfort to the sick and shut in, the incarcerated, and to seek common cause with all those seeking social justice.

Community Advocacy

VACIMA seeks to model the example shown through the life and sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  Members sponsor “Pray for Healing” community prayer for Covid 19 victims and social justice. See photos.

Thank you participants, members and supporters for your support of the JuneTeenth Golf Classic Fundraiser Tournament.

Pastor's Breakfast

"Who" Pastors The Pastor Breakfast?

The Vance and Adjacent Counties Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance sponsored its first “Pastor to Pastor Fellowship Breakfast” of 2023. The venue was conceived to respond to the ever increasing spiritual, mental health, psychological and emotional toll that pastoring has on those called to serve.  Rev. Dr. Orlando Dowdy, Counselor, Pastor performed the duties of Thought Leader for the event convened at the Crossroads Event Center of Henderson, NC.

Partnering To Support Students

Vance County School representatives, Mount Zion United Church of Christ and VACIMA partner to bring greater services to Vance County Students.

Representatives of the coalition: at the podium, Aarika Sandlin, Director of Communications, VCS left to right: Dr. Cindy Bennett, Superintendent, VCS; First Lady Porcha Brooks, MZUCC; Pastor Calvin Brooks, MZUCC; Doris Swann, MZUCC; Principal Letitia Fields, New Hope Elementary School.

"Seven Last Sayings of Jesus on The Cross"

The Ministerial Alliance continued their annual Holy Week celebrations leading to Resurrection Sunday by commemorating the Seven "Lasts Sayings of Jesus on the cross". The solemn venue was convened on Monday, April 3, 2023, at the Holy Temple Church in Henderson NC. They are as follows:

  1. “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they are doing” (Luke 23:34)
  2. “You will be with me in paradise” (Luke 23:43)
  3. “Woman, behold your son” (John 19:26)
  4. “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which means “My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?” (Matthew 27:46)
  5. “I am thirsty!” (John 19:28).
  6. “It is finished” (John 19:30).
  7. “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit” (Luke 23:46).

Pastor Natalie Gonzales, presenting the sixth saying of "Jesus on The Cross," John 19-30. "IT IS FINISHED"

Seated right to left, Ministerial Alliance Pres., Rev. Dr. Jeanette Floyd, Rev. Betty Henderson, Rev. Shelia Robinson, Pastor Ronald Regular

Evangelist Geraldine Hargrove on left.

Ministerial Alliance Urges Prayer For Nation

Responding to the need for global healing and spiritual rejuvenation, the Vance and Adjacent Counties Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance hosted  their first prayer vigil of the spring season. This convocation for prayer is the first of several planned for the year 2023.  The event convened in Henderson NC at the Court House Square.

 March 11, 9 AM on a brisk but glorious Saturday morning, members of the Ministerial Alliance and community residents gathered to petition Almighty God for healing. Their requests were as numerous as the myriad of problems challenging the physical and spiritual health of the American people. The attendees appealed for Gods assistance in addressing race relations, our families, our emotional well being, the medical professionals, social justice, the community and all of its disparities.

Prayer vigil participants (from left to right), Rev. Dr. Leanard Frieson, Rev. Calvin Brooks, Elder Carol Wilkerson, Dr. Jeanette Floyd, Elder Mary Williams, Mrs. Frieson, Rev. Charles Walton, Mrs. Frieson, Rev. James Alexander, Sheriff Curtis Brame, Rev. Maclaine, Rev. Ronald Reguler.

Ministerial Alliance Presents HBCU Visitation Grant

The President of Ministerial Alliance, Dr. Jeanett Floyd, (far right) presents $378.00 HBCU visitation grant to teachers (center left-Ms. Broughton 4th grade teacher and Ella 5th grade-center right) of New Hope Elementary School. The grant was presented to underwrite visits by students to HBCUs. 


● Educate Ministers & Churches
● Advocate for the community
● Initiate ecumenical services
● Enhance Family Life
● Promote Social Justice

Installment of Officers Worship Service

Come Join Us In Creating Opportunites for Ministerial & Community Growth

Officers and Members of VACIMA

Seen in photo top row:  Vance County Sheriff, Curtis Brame, NC State Senator, Alma Adams, State Senator, Terry Garrison  -second row center, featured speaker, Johnny B. Hill, Dean of Shaw University Divinity School, second row right, Rev. Calvin A. Brooks,  President of the Alliance and Host Pastor – first row left to right, Rev. Phyllis Elam, Rev Dr. Alice Sallins, Rev. Charles E. Walton-VACIMA Parliamentarian,  Rev. JoAnn Ragland, Dr. Jeanette Floyd-Vice President, Rev Diane Macklin, and Rev. Geraldine Hargrove, VACIMA Secretary. 

Partner With VACIMA

Vance & Adjacent Counties Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance looks forward to partnering with your church, ministry, non-profit organization and/or company. 

I Want to Partner With VACIMA